RYV! Advocacy during the 87th Legislature

2 minute read

This session took place December 9, 2020 2:00 - 3:00 pm CT.

Our advocacy team explored the question on everyone's mind: what is the 87th legislative session going to be like during the COVID pandemic?


In progress

Transcript (.rtf file, click to download)

Notes & Chat

COVID Restrictions at the Capitol (click to download)

Strategies, needs for advocating in 2021 (chat notes)


This session will be closed captioned. We will be using Zoom polls.

1:45 Zoom Room opens for new Zoom users to check their tech, get oriented

2:00 Tech Intro: Some accessibility notes, review of Zoom features we'll be using

2:05 Welcome: Who is CTD, What is Raise Your Voice!

2:10 What we know about 2021 (and don't know), and our projections

2:30 Your Voice: What are some strategies we can all use to make our voices heard this session, whatever it looks like? Is there anything CTD can do to support you in these strategies? breakout rooms (groups of 4-6)

2:50 Poll: Is there anything you'd like us to cover in our 2021 RYV sessions?

2:55 Close

3:00 Texas Legislature Online (TLO) demo