CDS Notices
Notices from or regarding: Capitol Care CDS (formerly CTD CDS Division), the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), Texas managed care organizations (MCOs), the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP), and Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).
Current Notices
HHSC Notifies Public Regarding Privacy Breach
On Nov. 21, 2024, HHSC learned the account information and personal identifying information of at least 61,000 individuals may have been improperly accessed by agency employees. For information about steps HHSC is taking to mitigate the breach and what you can do if you are affected, view the full press release.
2025 Biweekly Pay Periods
The schedule of biweekly pay periods for 2025, including pay dates, is now available. View 2025 Biweekly Pay Periods (PDF document).
Texas Direct Care Careers
In August 2023, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) launched Direct Care Careers, an optional, online portal that will connect potential employees with employers delivering home and community-based services through the state plan and HCBS authorities. In May 2024, HHSC announced a number of enhancements and improvements to the platform. View the full notice.
Previously Posted Notices
EVV Alternative Device Phase-Out Schedule
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is phasing out the use of alternative devices as an HHSC-approved method for service providers and CDS employees to clock in and clock out. HHSC developed the phase out schedule that will be effective January 1, 2025. View the full notice.
Reminder - Compliance Review Grace Period Ends Dec. 31
The compliance reviews grace period for EVV Usage and EVV Landline Phone Verification reviews for, personal care services and home health care services, will end on Dec. 31, 2024. Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, program providers, financial management service agencies (FMSAs) and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers, that do not fully comply with the EVV usage and landline review requirements will be subject to enforcement actions.
Payers conduct EVV compliance reviews to make sure program providers, FMSAs and CDS employers are in compliance with EVV requirements and policies.
Payers will conduct reviews and initiate contract or enforcement action if the program providers, FMSAs or CDS employers do not meet any of the following EVV compliance requirements:
Usage Reviews
- Meet and maintain the minimum EVV Usage Score of 80%.
- Ensure staff is properly trained and consistently using EVV to record visits.
Landline Reviews
- Payers will review landline reports generated from the EVV systems to determine compliance with the EVV Landline requirements.
- Program providers and FMSAs must ensure the phone number entered in the EVV system is a valid landline for members and CDS employers who have chosen to use a landline for clocking in and clocking out.
Next Steps
Program Providers, FMSAs, and CDS employers are encouraged to review their EVV Usage Reports monthly to ensure compliance with EVV requirements.
- Program providers and FMSAs can generate EVV Usage reports from the TMHP EVV Portal.
- Option 1 and Option 2 CDS employers can generate EVV Usage reports directly from their EVV system.
- Option 3 CDS employers must request a copy of their EVV Usage report from their FMSA.
Review section 11000 of the EVV Policy Handbook for more information about EVV Compliance Reviews.
Contact HHSC EVV Operations for questions.
New service area map effective September 1, 2024
View Managed Care Service Areas, effective September 1, 2024, as a map or a table.
Texas STAR+PLUS service area changes for Wellpoint
The service areas of Texas MCOs will be changing September 1, 2024. Wellpoint has issued a notice about their service area changes (for Wellpoint consumers only).
CDS Division Notice (Sept. 28, 2022): UPDATED CDS Community Attendant – COVID 19 in Healthcare Relief
As your Fiscal Management Service Agency or FMSA, we at the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities (CTD) recently sent you a detailed email (9/14/22) on the COVID 19 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which provided federal money or grants for attendant bonuses. We have updated this notice to provide some background about the grant money; explain why CTD considered applying for these funds a risk; and outline what CTD is doing to ensure that you and your attendants receive bonus funds in the near future. View the full updated notice.
HHSC Notice (Sept. 20, 2022): Annual EVV Policy Training Webinars for CDS Employers
HHSC will host two Electronic Visit Verification policy training webinars for Consumer Directed Services employers required to use EVV. CDS employers may register for a webinar based on the option selected on Form 1722, Employer's Selection for EVV Responsibilities. Attending the webinar will complete the annual EVV policy training requirement.
- EVV Policy Handbook revisions
- Updates and reminders
- Interactive exercise
- Question and answer session
Live closed captioning will be available.
Webinar Registration for CDS Employers
- For CDS employers who selected Option 1 on Form 1722, register for the Oct. 20, 2–3:30 p.m. webinar.
- For CDS employers who selected Option 2 or 3 on Form 1722, register for the Nov. 3, 2–3:30 p.m. webinar.
If you are unable to attend a webinar, they will be recorded and posted to the HHS Learning Portal about 10 business days after each session. CDS employers may receive credit for annual EVV policy training by listening to or watching one of the recordings and completing all three steps in the course.
CDS employers who are new to EVV must complete the Initial EVV Policy Training for CDS Employers computer-based training course on the HHS Learning Portal.
Email questions to HHSC EVV Operations.
HHSC Notice (Sept. 14, 2022): EVV Compliance Job Aids Updated
The Electronic Visit Verification Compliance Job Aids have been updated. They are in the compliance section on the EVV web page.
- EVV Compliance Job Aid for Program Providers and Financial Management Services Agencies (PDF)
- EVV Compliance Job Aid for Consumer Directed Services Employers (PDF)
The job aids were simplified and provide updated information about the following EVV Compliance standards:
- EVV Usage Scores and reviews
- Required free text reviews
- Landline phone verification reviews
Email questions to EVV Operations.
CDS Division Notice (Sept. 14, 2022): CDS Community Attendant – COVID 19 in Healthcare Relief
HHSC is accepting Applications for the CDS Community Attendants - COVID-19 in Healthcare Relief. The purpose of this Application is to distribute funding for Critical Staffing Needs to Consumer Directed Services (CDS) Employers receiving CDS Community Attendant Services in Texas whose Community Attendants have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. View the full Information Guide.
CDS Division Notice (Sept. 14, 2020): Upcoming Changes for EVV
Things in the CDS world are changing. The 21st Century Cures Act 9 (Sec 12006(a) mandates that all states implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Please keep in mind, EVV is in addition to what you are currently doing. You will STILL prepare and send in weekly time sheets. There are no other changes!
What EVV means for CDS EMPLOYERS
As your Financial Management Service Agency (FMSA), CTD CDS Division is going to act on your behalf. There will be little to no change on your part. Paper time sheets will still be required. The deadlines and due dates all remain the same.
Your employee will be using their smartphones and/ or computers to clock in and out every day. Again, they will still use paper time sheets like you are used to. They will, in addition to paper time sheets, use an app on their smart devices to clock in and out. Your employee will be receiving an email with instructions on how to set up that app.
Right now, all we need from CDS employers is form that requires your signature, Form 1722. This form states that you are requesting CTD to handle your EVV processes on your behalf. This form must be signed and returned to us via email at CDS Employers ONLY: access Form 1722.
What EVV means for CDS EMPLOYEES
EVV is being rolled out in phases and we are at that point where we need to begin our training. You will be receiving an email with the subject line: “Set up your EVV account for Coalition of Texans with Disabilities.”
In that email, you will be given a link that will guide you through the set up process. EVV transactions will be monitored by our EVV vendor, Authenticare. We will continue to keep you updated as roll out dates approach. In the mean time, watch out for the email with the subject line: “Set up your EVV account for Coalition of Texans with Disabilities.”
HHSC Notice (May 28, 2020): Suspension of Face-to Face CDS Orientations Extended Through June 30
HHS' revised Information Letter No. 20-08 (PDF), originally published on March 20, 2020, provides an updated timeline for the suspension of face-to-faceCDS employer orientations.
HHSC Notice (May 7, 2020): Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Information Letter 2020-22 (PDF) from HHSC reminds FMSAs and CDS employers to comply with all applicable employment-related laws. This includes the Department of Labor (DOL) temporary rule and associated guidance about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The letter also provides FFCRA information and resources.
EVV Notice (Aug. 30, 2019): EVV is coming
Electronic Visit Verification is a computer-based system that electronically verifies the occurrence of authorized personal attendant service visits by electronically documenting the precise time a service delivery visit begins and ends. The EVV program was implemented to replace paper-based attendant timesheets.
Texas requires EVV for certain Medicaid funded home and community-based services provided through the Health and Human Services Commission and health plans.
CDS Division Notice (Dec. 19, 2017): Changes to Time sheets and Time sheet Schedule
A major change will go into effect January 2018. Time sheets will be presented to CTD/ CDS Division every week. Work weeks will start on Sunday, and they will end on Saturday. You will have the same three days to get time sheets into the office. Once the week ends on Saturday, you have until Tuesday of every week to get your time sheets into our office. Yes, you will send in a time sheet for one week, every week.
Beginning on Monday January 1, 2018 you will start to use the NEW time sheets (see sidebar). The old time sheets will NOT be accepted. Only the new time sheets will be processed for payroll.
Use your old time sheets through December 31, 2017. That time sheet is due in our office no later than Tuesday, January 3, 2018. Then, starting on January 1, 2018 you start with new timesheets and you turn them in every week. They are due on or before every Tuesday of the week. If they come in late, your check will be delayed until the next pay period.
When you turn in your first 2018 time sheet to us on or before Tuesday January 9th, 2018, we will process payroll and your first paycheck will be sent to you and payable on January 26, 2018. Paychecks will be processed every other Friday.
This notice has been placed in every employee paycheck and a certified letter with new time sheets have been sent to every employer. Employees and employers: you are hereby notified of this change. No further notices will be sent.
Recap: Week starts on Sunday. Week ends on Saturday at midnight. Every Tuesday is latest day to get time sheets into the CDS office. Paydays are every other Friday beginning on January 26th, 2018. Only new time sheets can be used after December 31, 2017. Old time sheets will not be accepted.
Questions for us?
Capitol Care CDS
Phone: (512) 236-1070 x 306
Fax: (512) 236-1040
CDS Bulletins/ News
New: HHSC Notifies Public Regarding Privacy Breach
Capitol Care CDS Forms
Right click to download
Direct Deposit Form (updated 01-14-2019)
Direct Deposit Form (PDF) (updated 01-14-2019)