EVV (Electronic Visit Verification)
Updates about EVV will be posted shortly. You can also subscribe to receive notices and other important information about CDS and EVV by email.
CDS Division Notice (Sept. 14, 2020): Upcoming Changes for EVV
Things in the CDS world are changing. The 21st Century Cures Act 9 (Sec 12006(a) mandates that all states implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Please keep in mind, EVV is in addition to what you are currently doing. You will STILL prepare and send in weekly time sheets. There are no other changes!
What EVV means for CDS EMPLOYERS
As your Financial Management Service Agency (FMSA), CTD CDS Division is going to act on your behalf. There will be little to no change on your part. Paper time sheets will still be required. The deadlines and due dates all remain the same.
Your employee will be using their smartphones and/ or computers to clock in and out every day. Again, they will still use paper time sheets like you are used to. They will, in addition to paper time sheets, use an app on their smart devices to clock in and out. Your employee will be receiving an email with instructions on how to set up that app.
Right now, all we need from CDS employers is form that requires your signature, Form 1722. This form states that you are requesting CTD to handle your EVV processes on your behalf. This form must be signed and returned to us via email at EVV@txdisabilities.org. CDS Employers ONLY: access Form 1722.
What EVV means for CDS EMPLOYEES
EVV is being rolled out in phases and we are at that point where we need to begin our training. You will be receiving an email with the subject line: “Set up your EVV account for Coalition of Texans with Disabilities.”
In that email, you will be given a link that will guide you through the set up process. EVV transactions will be monitored by our EVV vendor, Authenticare. We will continue to keep you updated as roll out dates approach. In the mean time, watch out for the email with the subject line: “Set up your EVV account for Coalition of Texans with Disabilities.”
Questions for us?
Capitol Care CDS
Phone: (512) 236-1070 x 306
Fax: (512) 236-1040
Email: CDS@txdisabilities.org
Capitol Care CDS Forms
Right click to download
Direct Deposit Form (updated 01-14-2019)
Direct Deposit Form (PDF) (updated 01-14-2019)