RYV! Special Education ECI Agenda

2.5 - 3 minute read

This session took place Aug. 19, 2020 2:00 - 3:00 pm CST


In this session, CTD Advocacy Director Jolene Sanders-Foster and Mental Health Policy Fellow Jennifer Toon went into detail about our priorities and plans regarding special education, mental health in schools, and early childhood intervention (ECI).

Run time: 22:49

Full transcript (.rtf file, will prompt you to download in new window)

Participant feedback

Poll #1: Your Special education, ECI priorities

from 17 total responding

Poll #2: How did this go?

from 15 total responding

Highlights and take-aways from breakout discussions

Prompt: At the end of the legislative session in 2021 what is your measure of success? What would you consider a success?


times are very approximate

no graphics or screen shares will be used during this session. CARTS provided.

1:30 Zoom Room opens for new Zoom users to check their tech, get oriented

2:00 Tech Intro: Some accessibility notes, review of features we'll be using (all participants enter room muted, with video off, please stay muted until we go into breakouts)

2:05 Zoom Poll: Your Policy Priorities

2:10 Welcome: Who is CTD, What is Raise Your Voice!

2:15 Our 2021 Policy Priorities

2:25 Your Voice: small group conversations in breakout rooms (groups of 4-6): Thinking about your priority issue, at the end of the legislative session in 2021 what is your measure of success? What would you consider a success?

2:50 Return to main room, mute yourself, and report highlight via chat

2:55 Zoom Poll: Your initial thoughts

3:00 Wrap up and next steps

Thank you...

to all who joined us, and shared your policy concerns, as well as guided us on how to do these sessions better next time. We hope to see you in an upcoming session! Also thanks to our sponsors!