RYV! Mental Health in Schools

3 minute read

This session took place October 28, 2020 2:00 - 3:00 pm CT


In this session, CTD Advocacy Director Jolene Sanders-Foster and Mental Health Peer Policy Fellow Jennifer Toon reviewed our 2021 priorities and plans for mental health in schools and public school discipline. Josette Saxton (Texans Care for Children) and Lauren Rose (Texas Network of Youth Services) joined the discussion.

Run time: 46:34

Transcript (.doc file, click to download)

Participant Feedback

Poll: What is your biggest concern(s) in this area? Choose all that apply.

from 21 total responding

Chat recap

Questions & answers (see recording, transcript for full answers)

Breakout highlights


1:45 Zoom Room opens for new Zoom users to check their tech, get oriented

2:00 Tech Intro: Some accessibility notes, review of Zoom features we'll be using

2:05 Welcome: Who is CTD, What is Raise Your Voice!

2:10 Zoom Poll: What is your biggest concern(s) in this area?

2:15 Overivew of today's issue & plans for 2021

2:40 Your Voice: small group conversations in breakout rooms (groups of 4-5): Identify your priority for Mental Health in Schools or something that interests you; then offer a recommendation or something you want to know more about.

2:55 Close