RYV! Access to Medicines
2 minute read
This session took place November 18, 2020 2:00 - 3:05 pm CT.
In this session, CTD Executive Director Dennis Borel was joined by a panel of issue experts to discuss consumer access to medications in the 2021 legislative session. Panelists included:
- Justin Hudman (Amgen, former legislative staffer to Rep. Hunter), on the role & value of self-advocates
- Grant Cale (Bristol Myers-Squibb), on innovative cancer medicines
- Kristen Crawford (Arthritis Foundation), on fair access to medicines
Run time: 48:22
Transcript (.doc file, click to download)
Participant Feedback
Poll: Have you, a family member, or close friend had any trouble accessing medicines that were prescribed to you?
from 17 total responding
- 82% (14) Yes
- 18% (3) No
Chat recap: what were those barriers?
- Pay light bill or pay the Rx.
- Really important for HIV patients.
- Accessing medications that an insurer stops covering for blind and visually impaired.
- Prior authorizations create unnecessary barriers to medication and cause breaks in treatment.
- Our group discussed the familiarity with co-pay accumulators. HIV patient impact in particular.
- Coverage of talking pill caps for blind and visually impaired.
- Often vulnerable patient populations. Not just HIV, but HIV prevention efforts.
- There is a disproportionate impact on patients with chronic diseases.
- How we can get traction on legislation this session in light of COVID — put a pandemic patient face on it and/or tie state and personal/taxpayers budgets.
- Previously had issues with step therapy; co-pay accumulators (although only now realizing that's what was happening with the discount coupon/cards).
1:45 Zoom Room opens for new Zoom users to check their tech, get oriented
2:00 Tech Intro: Some accessibility notes, review of Zoom features we'll be using
2:05 Welcome: Who is CTD, What is Raise Your Voice!
2:10 CTD's past work on access to medicines + poll: Have you, a family member, or close friend had any trouble accessing medicines that were prescribed to you?
2:15 Overivew of today's issue & plans for 2021
- Justin Hudman (Amgen, former legislative staffer to Rep. Hunter), on the role & value of self-advocates
- Grant Cale (Bristol Myers-Squibb), on innovative cancer medicines
- Kristen Crawford (Arthritis Foundation), on fair access to medicines
2:40 Your Voice: small group conversations in breakout rooms (groups of 4-5): What barrier(s) have you, family member, or close friend have encountered when trying to access medication?
3:00 Close
- Return to main room, mute yourself, and share highlights from your breakout conversations in chat
- Wrap up and next steps