News & Events

Guest Blog: Autism Services in the 84th Legislature

By 2016, experts project that demand for Autism services will far outpace the state's capacity. Two legislators have opposing solutions.​

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Guest Blog: A Message to Caregivers: Be Proud

After managing an organization of caregivers for four years, Flora Brewer has one message for all caregivers: Be Proud. Read more about Guest Blog: A Message to Caregivers: Be Proud

Guest Blog: The Texas Capitol Belongs to All of Us

"We need to encourage more Texans to brave the halls of the pink dome, not discourage them with hateful rhetoric and disruptive tactics." Read more about Guest Blog: The Texas Capitol Belongs to All of Us

Guest Blog: Traveling with Disabilities, Think of the Possibilities

​Travel planner Tina Shands reflects on accessible travel in the broader context of disability advocacy.

Read more about Guest Blog: Traveling with Disabilities, Think of the Possibilities

$10 Campaign

Community Attendants Earn It!

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Guest Blog: A State Budget that Puts Texas First

Lawmakers: resist calls for short-sighted tax cuts and write a budget that prioritizes the people of Texas.

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Advocacy Blog: Outlook for 84th Legislative Session

The Lege has undergone unprecedented changes in leadership, members, and finances. CTD's Advocacy team weighs in. Read more about Advocacy Blog: Outlook for 84th Legislative Session

Advocacy Guest Blog: Advocating from Outside of Austin

Amarillo is a long way from the Capitol in Austin, but the Panhandle ILC still effectively advocates for itself. Read more about Advocacy Guest Blog: Advocating from Outside of Austin

Advocacy Blog: New Ways to Advocate with CTD

​DD Policy Fellow Chris Masey introduces two projects to help CTD and you, our members, become stronger advocates.

Read more about Advocacy Blog: New Ways to Advocate with CTD