Our Future Our Texas

Event date: 4/10/2013, 9:00am | Location: Austin, TX

Join CTD and TEXASForward™ members from around the state on April 10th for a massive March, Rally, and Advocacy Day! Our state leaders have the opportunity to undo the disastrous 2011 cuts and to prioritize education, health care, public safety, the environment, and economic opportunity for all Texas families. Investing in Texas now is the right thing to do and can ensure the future safety, health and strength of our state. Join us on April 10, and together we can move Texas Forward.

Schedule, registration, and more information here.


About TEXASForward™ 

Texas Forward is a coalition of organizations promoting a balanced approach to state budget decisions. The member organizations represent a broad spectrum of interests, but all believe that meeting the needs of Texans and moving our state forward to greater prosperity and opportunity will require more than just belt-tightening and cuts in education, healthcare and other vital public services.  A balanced approach will protect our state's economic well-being and will end up being less costly to future Texans who bear the brunt of the lasting damage caused by disinvesting in services.