Media Advisory: Huge Texas Rally for Medicaid March 5

Event date: 3/5/2013, 10:30am | Location: Austin, TX

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                        


"Texas Medicaid Matters” Day for 1,000+ Medicaid Supporters
March and rally to call on lawmakers to protect & extend Medicaid services


11:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Prior to the rally, a march up Congress Avenue kicks off at 10:45.


The rally will be held on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol
The march beforehand is from the Ann Richards Congress Avenue bridge to the Capitol.


The largest-ever showing of Texans receiving Medicaid services and those who would be covered if the state expands Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Speakers include:

Texas chambers of commerce, local government, health care, advocacy and faith-based groups representatives such as:

. . . And many more!


Texas lawmakers are debating funding and changes to Texas Medicaid, which currently serves 3.3 million Texans. They are considering whether to accept new federal funds to cover 1.5 million uninsured Texans. The people most affected will show that Medicaid services work, and Medicaid means health, jobs, economic growth, independence and better lives for real Texans.



Christine Sinatra,     (512) 853-0506
