Capitol News: May 17

We're getting into the home stretch, but this doesn't mean it's time to start relaxing! While we've watched a number of good bills die, there are plenty that are getting a late push from CTD to make it to the Governor's desk. It will be a photo finish for several.

Among the bills we're working to pass through the "log jams" are:

A version of the Paratransit bill (HB 1545) stands an excellent chance of passage, but will only call for a study of paratransit among Texas cities. We're disappointed that real policy change has been thwarted. But, a study will put the disability community in a strong position to argue the case for streamlined paratransit portability next session. The bill was initiated at the request of the American Council of the Blind of Texas.

A word on the progress we've made on the state budget: $128 million (all funds) will be used to increase access to community-based long-term services. This means that the waiting list for community services will see some movement. Also, $98 million (all funds) will go to increasing community attendant wages. This will provide a base wage for personal attendants of $7.50/ hour in 2014 and then $7.86/ hour in 2015. This is up from the current base wage for many community attendants, $7.25/ hour. While we were shooting for higher dollar figures for both of these items, CTD sees these increases as wins. Finally, the state budget includes $30 million (all funds) in promoting independence funding that will help people in danger of immediate institutionalization maintain their place in their community.

As for the hot topic of Medicaid expansion, HB 3791 (the Texas Solution) died in the Senate Calendars committee last week. However, we've heard that efforts to keep it alive are ongoing! SB 7 has gone through a number of substitutes and remains viable. Keep a close eye or ear on our Facebook page for updates about these bills!

In closing this week, CTD would like to thank everyone that has taken action and remind you that there's still time to contact your reps about the issues that matter to you!

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