Capitol News: March 8

Stay informed about CTD's activities at the Capitol during the 83rd Texas Legislature with our Capitol News update. Each week, we'll discuss bills that we're tracking, opportunities for you to act and participate, and our advocacy efforts both inside and outside the Capitol complex.

Ralliers gather at the South steps of the Texas Capitol building.Our heads are still spinning from Tuesday's amazing March and Rally, so just a quick recap this week! CTD and our Texas Medicaid Matters partners couldn't be more pleased with Tuesday's turnout. Over 3,000 of you came out to demonstrate your support of Medicaid funding and expansion. Countless others of you participated online, tweeting, emailing your reps, and affixing a Tx Medicaid Matters ribbon to your Facebook and Twitter pictures. The media took notice, too! To date, over 100 newspapers, news channels, and political blogs reported about the rally, including nationally syndicated Democracy Now! To get an idea of the social and conventional media buzz that you generated, check out CTD's Texas Medicaid Matters Storify recap and photos (courtesy of Golden Arm Productions) below!

While we celebrate our success, we're also thinking of Bob Kafka's words from the rally: this is only the beginning. We have a lot of work to do to protect and expand Medicaid in Texas. Get started here!



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From a low angle, a crowd gathers at the Capitol south steps under a bright blue sky.
Marchers carry a My Medicaid Matters Banner.
Guide dog Roku Van Winkle mingles in a crowd of ralliers.
A smiling woman pushes a stroller with baby wearing a Texas Medicaid Matters cap.
A group of ralliers from the Allied Communities of Tarrant County pose for the camera with their signs and banners.
A wide shot shows a long line of marchers hangs out on a dirt path, with downtown Austin buildings in the background.
Two ralliers in white lab coats hold a banners that reads
From a low angle, a man carries a Texas flag that waves in the wind.
From above, ralliers from the Texas Organizing Project hold a banner that reads
A man with a video camera holds a microphone to rallier sitting in a power chair with a
A little girl wearing a Texas Medicaid Matters cap smiles and reaches for tall blades of grass.
A young man stands on a grassy incline, holding a sign that reads
One rallier holds a snare drum while another drums a marching beat on it, with buildings in the background.
A woman using a power chair tips her Texas Medicaid Matters cap to the camera.
A long line of ralliers holding signs marches over the Ann Richards bridge.
A crowd of ralliers chants in unison.
A rallier rolls in front of the crowd in a power chair, trailing an Adapt flag.
Seated ralliers with signs.
Ralliers hold signs that read
City Councilman Mike Martinez addresses the crowd, with the backs of yellow-capped heads in the foreground.
A trio of ralliers cheer.
A rallier gives a loud whistle.
A rallier smiles broadly and holds his