Capitol News: February 22

Stay informed about CTD's activities at the Capitol during the 83rd Texas Legislature with our Capitol News update. Each week, we'll discuss bills that we're tracking, opportunities for you to act and participate, and our advocacy efforts both inside and outside the Capitol complex.

Have a Heart for Texas Medicaid heart-shaped stress ballThings are really starting to move at the Capitol! On Valentine’s Day, thousands of people gathered together in several cities across the state to publicly demonstrate that they have a crush on Texas Medicaid.  CTD participated in this Have A Heart for Medicaid event by distributing 181 Valentine hearts (see photo, left) to every Texas Legislator, Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, and Speaker of the House Straus. CTD's advocacy team attended a full day of public hearings this Tuesday: we testified to the Texas Senate in support of consumer protections in prescriptions of biological medicines and in support of an increase in the hourly wages of community attendants. Across the Capitol, CTD spoke at the Texas House of Representatives in favor of preserving accessible parking.

At state budget hearings and Capitol office visits, CTD is pushing hard for our top priority this session: an increase in the wage rates for community attendants. We are also advocating for money to reduce waiting lists for Medicaid waivers, to provide community services to those in crisis, and for DARS programs in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), autism, Centers for Independent Living, and deaf/ low hearing services.

This week, two bills were filed at CTD's request:

Full details of these and other bills on our advocacy page.

Don't forget, we're only two weeks out from the Texas Medicaid Matters March and Rally!


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