News & Events

Pen 2 Paper

CTD's annual Pen 2 Paper creative writing competition seeks pieces of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and comics that treat the topic of disability. Whether you have disability, whether you have experience as a writer, we want to hear your voice! Read more about Pen 2 Paper

Guest Blog: The Sunset Process

​An overview of the Sunset Commission's history, how the Sunset process works, and what's coming up for review.

Read more about Guest Blog: The Sunset Process

State Budget Guest Blog: Why Care about the Budget?

The debate over state spending is really a debate over what kind of Texas we want to live in today and pass on tomorrow to the next generation. Read more about State Budget Guest Blog: Why Care about the Budget?

State Budget Guest Blog: LARs

What is a Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR), and what does it have to do with the State Budget?

Read more about State Budget Guest Blog: LARs

ECI Guest Blog: ECI and Faith-Based Connection

What kinds of supports can faith-based partners provide when working with children who may show signs of I/DD? Read more about ECI Guest Blog: ECI and Faith-Based Connection

ECI Guest Blog: Evidence Based Practices

​What is an evidence-based practice and why is it important when considering an intervention?

Read more about ECI Guest Blog: Evidence Based Practices

ECI Guest Blog: Alice Bufkin

ECI overview and true stories. 2013 Legislative update. Get involved.

Read more about ECI Guest Blog: Alice Bufkin

In Memory of David Fowler

​A tribute to an advocacy partner and friend.

Read more about In Memory of David Fowler