Erika Lawn: Film Fest Intern

At an open laptop, a man makes an emphatic thumbs down while a young woman next to him gives a thumbs up.

Erika Lawn is a senior at the University of Texas at Austin and from 2014 to 2016, provided valuable help for the Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival. The quality of her work and her professionalism and enthusiasm have never faltered; CTD is lucky we had her help!

Day to day, Erika assists Film Festival Coordinator William Greer in a variety of tasks to prepare for the Festival, like reading subtitles on short film competition entries (Will is legally blind and cannot see them himself), giving input on finalist selection (right, with Will), and contributing to outreach efforts. She is always willing to lend a hand with anything else that comes up. In 2014, Erika recruited and supervised four additional volunteers at the Festival who provided essential logistical help like aid with parking, seating, passing out programs, and answering audience questions. Erika and the team she assembled did a great job, and we were happy to have her back as our Film Fest volunteer coordinator in 2015 and 2016.

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The 2025 Short Film Competition is open.

Early Bird rates ($10-20) until Feb. 7.
Competition closes June 6.

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