2007 Short Film Competition

still from Los Ojos de Javier
A man has a panicked grimace on his face while animated red spirals take the place of his eyes. The caption

Emerging Division

1st Place: Forgotten Lives (dir. Joshua Tate)
Every year, Texas pours millions of tax dollars into institutions for the mentally retarded. Jobs are saved. Economies are boosted. Politicians are elected. And lives are destroyed. View trailer for Forgotten Lives

2nd PlaceLos Ojos de Javier (dir. Sergio Carvajal)
Los Ojos de Javier tells the story of Javier, who wakes up one day to find that his eyes have walked out on him. They did not bother trying to explain the reasons why, they just packed up their stuff and left. The film deals in a light, comedic way with the serious issues of soul disability and loss of identity. View Los Ojos de Javier

3rd PlaceOMG Zombies (dir. J. Anthony Hernandez)
A man with paraplegia gets a weird text message from his girlfriend. On his way home, he notices something strange is a foot. Attacked by zombies, he escapes using his knowledge of martial arts and his above average upper body strength. A wrong turn ends up being his demise (that and no wheelchair ramp).

Scholastic Division

1st PlaceMaking Johnny's Movie (dir. Johnny Nolan and Brian Birdwell)
Making Johnny's Movie  is a 25-minute documentary, primarily shot and directed by Johnny – a 7th-grader living at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Johnny - a sci-fi fan who will offer to teach you Braille - learns the ins and outs of videocameras, interviews his peers, and provides a constant narration of his daily life in Austin. View Making Johnny's Movie

2nd Place: Beatle-Rama (dir. Brandon Rummel)
Brandon Rummel created this imaginative film describing why he loves the music of the Beatles.

3rd Place: Believe It! Live It! (dir. Capitol Area Boy Scouts)
A segment from a longer film by Scouts, for Scouts, exploring real-life examples of the 12 points of the Scout Law. Created, Shot and Produced by Scouts of the Capitol Area Council.

2008 Competition >

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