Guest Blog: Five Fulfilling Jobs Retirees Can Do From Home

Jim Vogel

October 5, 2016

Just a couple of decades ago, many seniors found it difficult to find employment — sometimes due to a lack of experience or knowledge about technology — but those days are over. Now, there are plenty of companies seeking employees who carry a stellar work ethic and will happily train prospects even for part-time work.

Perhaps you need to stay close to home during the day because of medication needs, a pet that requires care, or mobility disabilities. There are still plenty of job opportunities, if you know where to look! Here are a few of the best:

Getting back into the workforce- even part-time- doesn’t have to be a stressful undertaking. You may have to get creative, but there are plenty of ways to make some extra money without drastically changing your lifestyle.

About Jim

Jim is passionate about promoting senior health. Jim and his wife created ElderAction after becoming caregivers for their aging parents.

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