Capitol Care CDS
A Financial Management Services Agency (FMSA) allows Medicaid STAR+PLUS and STAR Kids recipients to hire and manage the people who will provide their attendant services. This program is overseen by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
Capitol Care CDS is an FMSA that empowers people to make their own decisions related to the delivery of personal assistance and respite services.
Capitol Care CDS is a service of the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities (CTD). CTD is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization making social and economic impacts benefitting Texans of all ages with all disabilities. CTD is a membership organization controlled by people with disabilities.
How does it work?
Capitol Care CDS gives you greater control over your employees, schedule, and life. The flexibility of the CDS option allows you to recruit, employ, and train the attendant(s) of your choice. As a Capitol Care CDS client, you will:
- Be the employer of record for your employees.
- Hire, train, supervise, and if necessary, dismiss employees.
- Have access to trained administrative staff to assist you throughout your participation.
Capitol Care CDS will act as your fiscal management agent, providing you with the following services:
- Initial in-home/ in-office/ electronic orientation.
- Training on how to complete employee paperwork.
- Assistance with setting and adjusting your annual budget.
- Preparation and filing of required state and federal tax forms and reports.
- Processing of all payroll functions.
- Performance of criminal background checks.
- Sample job descriptions for hiring your own attendants.
- Ongoing training and support for employer-related responsibilities.
*** Capitol Care CDS can help you in making the use of the required Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) process much easier. Our proprietary system is simple to use and easy to maintain the HHSC EVV requirements. We are YOUR go-to team! ***
How do I sign up?
- Contact your current service coordinator at your Managed Care organization (MCO) and check what counties they are registered to participate in the STAR+PLUS and/or STAR Kids programs. We can work with most MCOs in Texas. We currently accept: United Healthcare, Superior HealthPlan, Amerigroup (Wellpoint), BCBSTX, Molina Healthcare, and Community First Health Plan. Tell them that you want Capitol Care CDS to be your Financial Management Services Agency. Just give them our phone number, 512-236-1070 ext. 306.
- Capitol Care CDS will work with your MCO and acquire the necessary forms from them.
- Once we have the documents from your MCO, we will work with your directly to get your forms for the CDS program completed. That's it!
Watch: Texas Health and Human Services explains the Consumer Directed Services option in the video below.
Current Notices
HHSC Phishing Email Alert
HHSC is aware that an unauthorized third party impersonating the agency sent an email requesting the recipient complete and sign documents using DocuSign from HHSC employees. This is not a legitimate request from HHSC. If you clicked the link to access documents and entered any information, we recommend you reset your password immediately. View the full notice.
HHSC Notifies Public Regarding Privacy Breach
On Nov. 21, 2024, HHSC learned the account information and personal identifying information of at least 61,000 individuals may have been improperly accessed by agency employees. For information about steps HHSC is taking to mitigate the breach and what you can do if you are affected, view the full press release.
2025 Biweekly Pay Periods
The schedule of biweekly pay periods for 2025, including pay dates, is now available. View 2025 Biweekly Pay Periods (PDF document).
Texas Direct Care Careers
In August 2023, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) launched Direct Care Careers, an optional, online portal that will connect potential employees with employers delivering home and community-based services through the state plan and HCBS authorities. In May 2024, HHSC announced a number of enhancements and improvements to the platform. View the full notice.
Questions? Visit our FAQ page or contact us today!
Questions for us?
Capitol Care CDS
Phone: (512) 236-1070 x 306
Fax: (512) 236-1040
CDS Bulletins/ News
New: HHSC Phishing Email Alert
Capitol Care CDS Forms
Right click to download
Direct Deposit Form (updated 01-14-2019)
Direct Deposit Form (PDF) (updated 01-14-2019)